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Master Plant Diet 7 Days JAN 2025

Deep Inner Journey

1,500 US dollars
Jirón Jose Olaya

Service Description

The master plant diet is a combination of ayahuasca and daily drinking of one of 35 indigenous plants from Peru. This is a spiritual diet meant to remove all outer stimulation so you can connect with the spirit of the plant you are drinking. You may as a consequence loss physical weight but this is not the objective. By drinking your plant you absorb its energy and increase certain characteristics within yourself. For instance, to increase flexibility of body and mind we give Bobinasa. Bobinsana grows by the river and bends as the river changes shape and form. Some other charectaristics may be connecting to your lineage, your roots through ajo sacha or renaco for spiritual protection and removal of pain in the physical body. This retreat is done in silence for a total of 7 days. Day 1 is the arrival day to get comfortable with the space followed by 5 days drinking the master (teacher) plants followed by one day of integration. There are 3 ayahuasca ceremonies included. You will be on a restricted diet of no sugar, no fruit, no drugs, no alchohol, no stimulants, no spices (including onion and garlic), no sex (including masterbation), limited fats and no salt. There is also a strict 30 day post dieta for every participant. The retreat includes three macrobiotic meals a day (only 2 on ceremony days). The bungalows are simple and authentic to how these types of retreats have been performed for hundreds of years but with your private bathroom for extra comfort for the modern participant. Please note there is no electricity in the rooms and wifi only available in the kitchen. To charge electronics we have limited solar energy and limited rechargeable batteries. We recommend you disconnect completely during your Master Plant Diet. Katari center is beautiful and filled with wildlife. We have a small river that runs through the center with clean water to bathe. Each bungalow is also equiped with its own personal bathroom and shower. Your body will learn to wake up and sleep with the natural rhythms of nature. The moment you hear the calling of the plants your process begins. Upon sign up pay attention to your dreams and listen to the signs around you. Your retreat starts NOW!

Contact Details

  • Katari Center, Jr. Jose Olaya, Tarapoto, Peru


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